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 If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us and we would like to hear from you.

MEMBERS ONLY PAGE: See Bi-Weekly Bulletin (below announcements)

   BISHOP JAMES N. BROWN &  1st Lady Ellanease Brown  OFFICE: 504) 364-5707  and  FAX: 504) 364-5706

   Members may now post contributions through the telephone using the link on the Welcome page or donate button on the left by using a bank account linked to a PayPal account, there is a minimal cost to you that is deducted from your donation. A Paypal account can be opened in a few minutes.



Our Mission: Reaching the least, the lost, the last

THE VISION: As bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the LordEphesians 6:6-8

To Prepare for the work you need Jesus as Lord, Bible Study and
Holy Spirit - teacher


  undefined2nd Timothy 2:15-16


                           CHURCH SERVICES

Sunday Morning Worship @ 8:00a.m., Sunday School

following service @10:00am for adults and children.


THURSDAY Night Prayer @ 6:45 & BIBLE STUDY @ 7:00 p.m.

        Praise Team Rehearsal canceled until further notice

You may send your announcements and request by email to: submit your info by Thursdays to Loretta or give written info to Sheneta for inclusion in the Sunday bulletins Thank you for your co-operation.

We have no record or information on you. If you have never completed a "Member Form", please do so today.  A new list will be placed near the entrance and if your name is not there, we need a member form if you so desire to be accounted for as a member; however having a number does not mean that you are a "registered" member because a number is given sometimes for consistent givers. 

There is a required new members class to be attended. Though some feel that that have been Christians for a while and do not need a new members class, we suggest that you attend because your knowledge and experience could be a benefit to the class and maybe an avenue of ministry for you, or you could actually learn something you may not have known before. Please see the ushers or Sis. Janet for a member's form.  For those with member or visitor numbers, please use your 3 digit member number/regular visitors who contribute have a number, see list by entry door.

Marriage Ministry last 4th Fridays of month.   

Women's meeting, will be announced.  Children's Sunday School after morning service-postponed

Communion Service - 2nd Sunday of every month @8:00 a.m. (Baptisms held on the 2nd Sunday, morning service (unless instructed otherwise).

Monthly Prayer Meetings on the Last Sunday of the month at 4:00 pm.  Some are a little shy about prayer in public, but it is good to come out even to sit in the midst of prayer, for wherever there are 2 or 3 gathered in His name, God is in the midst and God will bless you. We will sing praises to our God and pray for Bishop, church family, prayer request, friends and foes.

CD recordings of the Sunday messages are available after service for a $5.00 donation, If you would like the CD and don't have the donation please see clerk in tape room.
DVD's video recordings: We have video taped DVD of the Sunday Service for a donation of $7.00 pick up your receipt and present to Bro. Allen for DVDs.

Nursing Home Visits suspended until further notice, at the Woodland Nursing Home 12:45 pm see Sis. Jones or one of the ushers for more info.

Members we need your photo to match your name it helps us to get to know you.  If you have not yet taken your picture for our data file, please see Bro. or Sis. Webb to have your picture taken when you attend the new members class or on Sunday morning after service; meet in the classroom on the right side near the front exit. Thank you. The camera is back in service, we just want your photo to place on your file.

Please remember parking etiquette; avoid parking in the emergency lane the red zone around the building, and please park within the yellow lines drawn for parking so that others may park in the lot also. Thank you for your co-operation.

Please pray for the fellowship who have lost loved ones in the family. 

Please keep your purses, wallets, cell phones and other electronics in your possession to avoid lost or stolen items. It is your responsibility to keep up with your valuables. Thank you. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Choir  Rehearsal  suspended until further notice

Communion Sunday is the 2nd Sunday of every month at the 8:00am service. Come and break bread with us. Baptism when Bishop says.
Happy Birthday to all members celebrating birthdays in July/August. 

Dress down day every third Sunday.
Come relaxed in your Fischer T shirt and jeans or casual comfortable, appropriate attire.  Thank you for your cooperation.

New Members class on now on Thursday Nights during Bible Study at 6:45 p.mThe class begins every month.  All those who have never attended; please make plans to attend. The class is held during the Bible Study hour, see Bro.& Sis. Webb for more information. 

Sick and Shut-in Ministry meet at 6:30 p.m on the Thursday before first Saturday to discuss 
visits; interested in participating; please join us.   We will meet at Woodland on the 1st &3rd Saturday of each month at 12:45 p.m. See Sis. Thelma.
_Meeting suspended until further notice______________________________________________________________________

Members we invite and encourage you to attend Thursday night bible study.   
We also have on Thursday nights a class for the children which will meet every Thursday in the kitchen dining area. 

River of Life Church at Woodmere in Harvey, LA on Saturdays at 5 p.m.   Bishop James N. Brown, Pastor. Bible study at River of life Church on Tues. 6:30 pm.  Bishop Brown, teaching the word of God.
Members if you are ill, hospitalized, or other; please let us know, or have someone contact the fellowship and advise our Pastor that he / we may minister to your need. If no one tells us; how will we know. Contact us by our email: Thank you for your cooperation.

Please pray for our sick membersBrothers: Michael Farrell, Lawrence Martin, Robert Love, Isadore Bolds, Sr., Tyler Jones, Gregory McKinley, William Brown, Tyrone Colar

Marilyn Jones, Deidre Casby (Owens), Helen Casby, Glendora Haten, Shirley Parker, Rosa Valentine, Helen Bezue, Kenedra Walton, Charmaine Martin, Evelyn Thomas, Sis. McKinley, Shirley Riley, Stella Ringold, Evelyn Thomas, Shelia Williams, Sharon King

Daily Bread readers are needed for Thursday nights and Sunday mornings. Please volunteer your service and be prepared to read at that time. Let us all participate in the opportunity to share God's word. 
The 3rd Sunday is reserved for our youth readers, and now the
1st Sunday is reserved for our (Seasoned) Senior Citizen readers.  All are welcome to volunteer for the readings.

Please pray for our friends and foe. Pray for the lost, that they see, hear, and trust the truth of Jesus Christ.  Pray for our surrounding community. 

Reminder: Please use your 3 digit envelope number to assist us in posting your offerings more efficiently; but having a number does not mean that you are "registered" as a member.   If you have never completed a new "Member Form", please do so today.   Also, if you have a name, address, or telephone number change, please complete the "data change form" located in the hallway and return it to Sis. Loretta. Thank you.


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